Chairman Message

Dr. Ayman M. Abdallah

This is an exciting time for budding aerospace engineers as the aviation industry in the kingdom is prospering. I am delighted to welcome you to be a part of this industry through Aerospace engineering department at KFUPM. The department has a well-defined vision of positioning KFUPM into a 'leading and guiding' institution by developing a full range of aerospace degrees (undergraduate, graduate, and associate degrees) and conducting original research programs of the highest quality for meeting the Kingdom's and region's needs for education, manpower, and technical expertise in AE and related fields. 

The department is conducting and promoting scientific research and has on its credit many publications in the top leading International Scientific Indexing (ISI) journals in the field of Aerospace.

Currently, the department offers two undergraduate (B.S) programs: one in Applied and the other in Science. The quality of these programs is evaluated every few years and recognized by the Accreditation Board of Engineering & Technology (ABET). The department also provides a graduate (M.S) program which covers a wide range of courses in the field of science and aviation technology. 

We are really looking forward to seeing you. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about our programs or wish to discuss career opportunities for students of Aerospace Engineering. ​